
Intent and Background

With my consultations and therapeutic applications, I want to help fellow humans stay physically, mentally, and emotionally on their course on the bumpy road of drastic, socio-political, and planetary changes that we have been experiencing – especially since the beginning of 2020.

Understanding basic cosmic laws and cycles, world history, and our body’s own intelligence can help overcome the fear that many people are currently putting out into the collective field that we are all part of.  To attain this understanding we may need to question our own programming and worldview.

The urgent call for action for all of us now is to take full ownership of our Self, our actions, wellbeing, and health.  With a healthy immune system and self-esteem, nobody can easily rock our boat! 

I am a professional NCGR-certified astrologer, teacher, and Reiki practitioner, and I work with phototherapy patches.   I’m interested in cosmobiology and holistic health, and I love honest, no-nonsense food.  And no, I’m not a saint.  But I live by the law “cause and effect”.  I had the privilege to experience the Maya culture firsthand during my almost 13 years living in Mexico.  Especially living in the jungle full-time and by myself for 3 years has shaped my worldview. 

I wish for each and every one of my website visitors to be able to take away something useful for their own growth!