Astrology and Women’s Wellness

Leftover notes from our last podcast episode

At the Astrological Integration podcast, my podcast partner Roshni Sharma Fleming and I casually talk about topics that combine healing and astrology and besides agreeing on some talking points we never really know where it’s going which makes it so genuine.  

Last month, we were joined by the lovely Sharon Ann Rose for our episode on Female Wellness and you can listen to it here.

In preparation though, I do research the topics and I have some leftover notes that would have burst our time frame last month.  I don’t want to withhold these as they may be useful for astrologically inclined readers.

Our birthchart holds valuable information about how we live out our feminine side, including our capacity to love, our needs in love, who and what we tend to attract, our emotional side, sense of safety, and motherhood, as well as information about health and wellness. 

Venus and the Moon are associated with women in general, but also with the above key factors that (except motherhood) equally apply to men’s birthcharts.

However, the spotlight is on women’s wellness today and the following are some astrological factors that provide valuable information about the mental, emotional, and bodily condition of a woman when interpreted by sign and house, and in aspect with other points and planets in the chart.


Women and the Asteroids:

  • Chiron: Herbalist, teacher; one’s master wound that can serve as a catalyst for healing others
  • Ceres: Matriarch, Mother Earth, the Crone, caretaker; nourishing
  • Juno: The married woman, wife
  • Pallas Athena: The brave daughter; powerful, industrious, independent
  • Vesta: Late marriage, the initiated; pure, fiery

The Elements

  • Fire: Action-driven, fast, bold, honest
  • Earth: Slow & methodical, sensual, loyal
  • Air: Social, mental, talkative, witty
  • Water: Empathic, emotional, caring


  • Cardinal: Do-er, action-driven, taking initiative
  • Fixed: Likes to maintain status quo, doesn’t like change
  • Mutable: Flexible, adaptable

Temperament (Humoral Theory)

  • Sanguine (Air)
  • Choleric (Fire)
  • Phlegmatic (Water)
  • Melancholic (Earth)

Temperament/body type (Ayurvedic Doshas)

  • Vata (Air)
  • Pitta (Fire)
  • Kapha (Water/Earth)

The Body


1st House (Ascendant) = The body, the Self, individuality.

6th house = Health-related habits, service to body

Arabic Parts (or Lots)

fortune and spirit glyps
Fortune and Spirit glyphs

These are calculated points involving the Ascendant and a planet.  Fortune (Lunar) signifies bodily wellbeing and Good Luck, while Spirit (Solar) is more mental and action-oriented. Other lots can be calculated, such as Sickness, Energy, Sex, Cancer, Surgery, Death, Harmony, Marriage, etc.)


Planetary rulership and the body (Tucker, UK, 1896 – 1981)

zodiac and body

  • Sun: Heart
  • Moon: Glands, lymphatic system, breasts, stomach
  • Mercury: Brain, nervous system, lungs, locomotion, arms, hands
  • Venus: Kidneys
  • Mars: Muscles, head, eyes
  • Jupiter: Liver, pancreas, thighs
  • Saturn: Bones, teeth, skin
  • Uranus: Parasympathetic nervous system, psychosomatic diseases
  • Neptune: Poisons
  • Pluto: Reproductive organs (not mentioned by Tucker)

Dis-ease & sickness

You can calculate a Decumbiture chart for the moment when you feel that you are getting sick (Horary chart for when one gives in, lays down). Nicholas Culpeper (1616 – 1654) developed a Moon crisis technique.  He looked at the Moon’s transit over the Decumbiture chart for timing the start of therapy or cure. Culpeper was a Botanist, Physician, and Astrologer; and the author of Astrological Judgement of Diseases.  In a Decumbiture chart, Saturn and the 8th house traditionally represent death.  Mars means more acute issues while Saturn signifies chronic health challenges.

Iatromancy is another (non-astrological) form of judging disease that is performed by a Physician-Seer (shaman).

Now you are equipped to explore your own birthchart! 

If you don’t already have your birthchart, you can get it for free at Have fun discovering yourself!

For an in-depth birthchart interpretation and forecast please get in touch with me.  Readings are ca. 1.5 hours long and you can schedule it here or email me.  Please provide your location, date, and time of birth.  

2024 Psychic Fair Irvine

2024 Psychic Fair

Welcome to the third edition!

Wings of Joy presents its annual Psychic Fair on Saturday, February 24, 2024 and I’m honored to serve as the house astrologer again, giving 15-minute astrological readings.  There will be various other psychics, mediums, and energy workers to choose from, and advance registration is necessary so that your track can be scheduled.

Your participation fee of $90 gets you 2 readings and/or energy healing of your choice, plus access to the Discovery Center where you can read Oracle cards on your own, and explore books and material about crystals, essential oils, and much more.  

From 10:00 am until 1:00 pm you can receive psychic guidance, receive energy healing, and communicate with departed loved ones or pets.  The address in Irvine will be provided upon registration. 

Get your ticket at Eventbrite.

See you at the Psychic Fair! 

Holistic Fair

Stop by my table for a Mini Reading!

event flyer

I’m thrilled to be providing 15-minute snapshot birthchart readings at the OC Holistic Fair!  Come by, get your feet wet with Astrology and also pick up your 25% discount voucher at my table:


OC Spiritual Center, 2575 McCabe Way in Irvine, CA 


Sunday, August 13, 2023, from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm

You can still profit from my 241 (two for one) Summer Special until August 15, 2023:


Plus, anyone who attends the OC Holistic Fair in person gets a 25% discount off my regular rate of $160 per reading.  That’s $40 off so you’ll pay only $120 for the reading.  

Discover yourself through Astrology!

Astrology Events in Mexico


Let’s talk Astrology in the Treetops!

Annual preview of the planetary energies of 2024:

  • Tuesday, November 21, 2023 from 4:00 – 6:00 pm, MXN 350

Your contributions will cover chart printing and preparation of materials.   Personal readings are about 90 minutes long.

  • Personal readings and birthchart interpretations (by appointment) MXN 950. Please connect with me via phone, text or WhatsApp to schedule a session: 001-714-801-0041.
  • If you’d like a personal reading via Zoom you can schedule it here: SCHEDULE A READING

Summer Special

vintage sun

I’m excited about starting something new:

From now until August 15, 2023, I’m offering a 241 Summer Special on Astrology readings! (2 + 4 + 1 = 7 – a magical and spiritual number in Numerology).

Buy a natal chart reading at the regular rate of $160 (ca. 90 minutes) and I’ll throw in a second reading for free!  That’s a 50% discount on both readings.

Use the second reading for yourself for a specialty reading, follow-up, forecasting, or Mayan Portrait, or pass it on to a friend!

Being prepared is putting you behind the steering wheel!

Take advantage of this Summer Special and get in touch to schedule a reading via Zoom or in person (Orange County area in California)! 


Psychic Fair 2023

Psychic Fair 2023

A few weeks ago,  we gathered for the second time for a Psychic Fair, where the seven of us women offered services such as Reiki treatments, Past Life Regressions, communication with departed loved ones, astrological analysis, or psychic readings.  Reiki Master Kathy Brook-Wong birthed this amazing event in 2022 that she hosts in her beautiful home and event space in Irvine, CA.  

I’m honored to take the part of the Astrologer to give attendees a 15-min snapshot of their natal chart, highlighting important influences and answering specific questions.  

Keep your eyes peeled for the next Psychic Fair – possibly in February 2024!

But also check out Kathy’s other events, or get in touch with her if you want to become a certified Reiki practitioner!  I’m a certified Level 1 Reiki practitioner myself, and I can only recommend learning about this ancient healing technique!   When I was initiated by my friend and Reiki Master Margarita Camarena in 2012 in Mexico, it felt as if the entire lineage was present in the space.  It was a powerful experience for the whole group.  In the same way, you can feel the energies when Kathy holds the space with Reiki during our events.

You can reach Kathy via her Facebook page.

For a 15-min astrological snapshot or a 90-min full reading you can make an appointment with me here:

SCAN 2023 Forecast Panel

breaking free

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of sharing my view of the 2023 astrological signatures again at our annual Forecast Panel at SCAN (Southern California Astrological Network).

I think I joined SCAN in 2016, and I’m thrilled to see that the number of people joining our SCAN meetings in person has been growing over the past months.  Our meeting location at the 19th Hole Restaurant & Lounge in Laguna Woods is spectacular too, with stunning views, great food, and lovely staff!  

The Lockdowns in 2020 have forced people to gather online – which I think isn’t necessarily a bad thing.  It connects like-minded folks worldwide and saves commute, travel, and accommodation.   Sadly, some Astrology Groups in southern California don’t seem to fare so well after the lockdowns, even online, and I think SCAN only stands strong because of our powerful Director, Laura DesJardins,  a  highly creative 5th-house Scorpio Lady who is connected with astrologers worldwide, with most of her relationships counting in the 35-year range.   And she is a heck of fun to be with!

I’m sure the rest of the “SoCal” astrological groups will come back strong with more in-person meetings  – there is a definite need for wisdom from the Cosmos!  And exchanging hugs means exchanging oxytocin! 

What’s also cool is that we also had some more younger people in the house yesterday, as opposed to only Baby Boomers and earlier ;-).  (I’m a GenX-borderline).  I love the inter-generational connection, and I always have, also with my eco-cultural tours in the Riviera Maya.  It’s so important for the elders to pass on the baton to the next generation! 

As Marx said: Keep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.

I hope you find my 20-minute segment of our 2023 Forecast Panel, as well as my slides useful. 

Feel free to share it and also get in touch if you have specific questions.  We are all in this together, and since my 5th language is “Astrology”, I feel the duty of translating the Cosmic cycles and events to my fellow humans!

Download the slides here: 2023 Forecast-Stef

CBDC Tracker

Mayan Astrology Lecture at SCAN

This past September, I filled in spontaneously at our local astrologer group, SCAN (Southern California Astrological Network), as the monthly speaker to present a lecture about Mayan Astrology.

I have lived full-time in the Mayan territory for 12 years, where I had close contact with elders, shamans, and timekeepers of the traditional kind.  I was introduced to this by my former life partner who was a traditional conchero dancer in a group in Playa del Carmen at the time.  He also had a substantial library on astrological topics, and that’s when I really caught fire to study Astrology more seriously.  I have always had an affinity for astrology, but from here I wanted to take it to a more professional level.

From 2004 onward, I was deeply involved in studying Jose Arguelles’ work on the Mayan calendar. I calculated my “Dreamspell”, his version of Mayan natal interpretation.  Each year I would print out the pocket calendar which started End of July, and I lived with the Gregorian and Mayan calendars simultaneously over a period of several years to experiment with it.


I still like the idea of a month consisting of four equal weeks, similar to the Chinese lunar calendar. It seems more natural to me than the scattered calendars of antique Roman leaders with months between 28 and 31 days, which I feel named calendars or months in their name to serve their ego (emperors Julius Caesar and Caesar Augustus; Pope Gregory XIII). 

When a friend gifted me the book How To Practice Mayan Astrology by Bruce Scofield and Barry Orr in the game-changing year of 2012, I had already dropped my “double calendar life”.  But now I was really confused, because I had lived with Arguelles’ calendar for years, and per Scofield & Orr my day sign wasn’t Caban (Earth), but Etz’nab (Flint Knife, Mirror).  Many years later, when I started to flirt with Human Design, I found that the Mayan “Mirror” made sense as a Reflector.

Researching and compiling information for my lecture about Mayan Astrology was extremely helpful to gain a bird’s eye view and draw comparisons between the leading heads on the topic. 

In a nutshell, Mayan Astrology is a fully time-based system where blocks of time hold certain qualities and are ruled by gods. Several parallel counts run endlessly and interface every so often.  A native falls in between several cycles which define character,  personality, and potential.  The most dominant counts are the 20 Day Signs and 13 Numbers (Trecena), and the most known calendars are the Tzolkin (sacred), the Haab (civilian), and the Long Count.

mayan calendar

I do like the Burner Days.  They are derived by dividing the 260-day Tzolkin calendar into four equal quarters of 65 days.  On these days, the tribe came together to realign with their values and intentions and make corrections if they got off track.

SCAN recorded the lecture and you can purchase it for $15 if you wish.  This includes the slides in PDF format.  Please email me, if you are interested.



SCAN 2022 Forecast Panel

Let’s look at the astrological influences for 2022!

Hindsight is 20/20, right?  Looking back at how astrological contacts or sign changes have played out in the past helps us understand the energies we are likely dealing with during current or upcoming ones.  

The signature for 2022 still includes the push-pull between Saturn (old structures, status quo, limitation) and Uranus (innovation, rebellion, freedom), since these two will stay in a square until the fall – even though not exact.

Besides the eclipses in the fall, some of the top themes in 2022 are:

  • US Pluto return (big money, corruption, sex scandals, etc.)
  • Nodes shifting to Taurus – Scorpio.  Both deal with possessions and self-sufficiency; however: topsoil, simplicity (Taurus) vs. underground, complexity (Scorpio).
  • Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces (potential for right-brain dominance, compassion, cosmic wind, dreams & visions).

This year, our local SCAN group met at our new location: the beautiful 19th Hole restaurant & lounge in Laguna Woods, CA.  It was our first hybrid meeting, meaning that we had folks joining us via Zoom as well.  I say this because you’ll notice in the video that we were scurrying around to get everything right.  Speakers this year were Stephen Wilkenson, Jodie Hart, Laura DesJardins, and of course, my humble Self.

Like last year, I’m freely sharing my 20 minutes and the slides.  May you gain insights, and may the info help you plan!

Feel free to get in touch if you have questions!

SCAN 2021 Forecast Panel

I was one of the four speakers at our 2021 Forecast Panel at SCAN (Southern California Astrological Network).  We all shared our viewpoints regarding the astrological influences for 2021 (and beyond), and I feel like sharing the recording of my part.  The other speakers were Laura DesJardins, Jodie Hart, and Eric Starwalker.  

I’m making my segment available for free to support seekers of truth.  To purchase the entire recording ($15) please email Laura at  

We each had 20 minutes only to give an overall outlook, and I did not get to go into the PDF I had lined up about tech implants and bio-harvesting.  Feel free and download it below (Internet of Nanothings).  I will also post the external video links below.

I hope that this recording provides helpful tips and info for you, and I’m glad to answer any further questions you may have!


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