The Astrology of 2025: Completion Process
Tapping into the time quality of the year ahead, it feels like being at a lively train station with lots of activity. Starting with Pluto in November 2024, all outer planets change from feminine to masculine signs, providing a sense of action and outward thrust. I see connections with past social reformation and nations changing state forms and even borders.
There are only 2 short time frames in 2025 when all planets are in direct motion (except Juno and Vesta), but events develop so fast that it’s hard to keep up with the news.
Not only that, but the caliber of news is mindboggling.
It’s important to stay grounded, and maintain integrity, as well as spiritual hygiene and habits. With a healthy portion of Virgonian (practicality, discernment, humility, common sense) and Piscean (compassion, spirituality, vision, creativity) qualities, we will steer through this turbulent year.
In Numerology, 2025 is a “9” year of completion. The Mayan year-bearer looks at it as a “1” year of new beginnings. This year is about letting go of the old and staying open to lightning-fast developments – on and off-planet.
In this year’s forecast, I explore the sign changes of the Nodes, Neptune, Saturn, Uranus, and Jupiter and what we can possibly expect based on how they performed in past cycles. I also take a look at the Eclipses, and I try to draw a connection with Chinese and Mayan Astrology. Watch the recording on my YouTube channel:
Part I:
Part II:
As always, may you find useful information in this forecast! Feel free to contact me if you have questions, or if you’d like to schedule a personal reading or Astro tutoring sessions.