Astrological Integration Podcast


Astrological Integration

Join Roshni and me for casual talks about how to integrate aspects of Astrology into therapeutic client work, or simply into daily, practical life.

Once a month, we explore the various components and concepts of Astrology and their practical use in therapy, healing work, and personal life. This event is free, open to everyone and no astrological knowledge is necessary.

It is our goal to demystify Astrology and help people move beyond the fear and resistance of applying astrological concepts in their lives or optimizing event timing based on planetary cycles.

About your hosts:

Roshni Sharma-Fleming

Roshni Sharma-Fleming is the founder of Stillfire Healing and has 22 years of experience in elementary education along with teaching adults at the college level. She is a polyglot and bilingual in French. Roshni has a Masters Degree in Education from Nipissing University with a main focus on women’s health and well-being. She is a self-starter, an effective communicator, and a community builder. She is also a Certified Ahava Healer, a Lightworker and a fully trained Reiki Master with 11 years of experience including Distance Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), and Angel Card readings. Energy is Yours©️. Roshni lives in Toronto, Canada. You can book a session with her here.

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Stefanie Baeker is the founder of AccessEcoTours and Project Mayan Encounter. She has been working in the field of tourism since 2008, planning, directing and leading eco-cultural tours and creating meaningful experiences and retreats for travelers.  Stefanie is an NCGR-certified Astrologer and member of NCGR (National Council on Geocosmic Research), ISAR (International Society for Astrological Research), the Uranian Society, and a Board Member of SCAN (Southern California Astrological Network).

Summer Special

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I’m excited about starting something new:

From now until August 15, 2023, I’m offering a 241 Summer Special on Astrology readings! (2 + 4 + 1 = 7 – a magical and spiritual number in Numerology).

Buy a natal chart reading at the regular rate of $160 (ca. 90 minutes) and I’ll throw in a second reading for free!  That’s a 50% discount on both readings.

Use the second reading for yourself for a specialty reading, follow-up, forecasting, or Mayan Portrait, or pass it on to a friend!

Being prepared is putting you behind the steering wheel!

Take advantage of this Summer Special and get in touch to schedule a reading via Zoom or in person (Orange County area in California)! 


Navigating Your Inner World


Astrology as a cosmic roadmap to finding our true purpose

A birth chart is like a photo of the planets taken at the exact moment of your birth. It’s a blueprint that stores the energy of the moment in your being. This does not mean that you are forced into a certain track for your entire life, but it promises certain tendencies, inclinations, possibilities, etc. The ‘photo-shopping’, or fine-tuning, is up to you. Luckily we have the precious gift of free will, which is our most powerful tool. In my view, we choose certain tasks and experiences for our soul’s evolution and also get a chance to correct what we may have mishandled in a past lifetime.

For me, interpreting a birth chart is like taking a look at the native’s spiritual balance sheet.  This means not only harnessing the strong traits but also taking an honest look at possible weaknesses in order to work on them for a more harmonious life.

In order to decipher the birth chart, look at astrology as a language: instead of verbs, nouns, and adjectives you have planets, houses, signs, and aspects.

  • The planetary energy is the WHAT in your birth chart that asks for attention – a situation, event, or issue for example, or a person.
  • The sky is divided into 12 houses. The houses are equivalent to the area in our life that is affected by a planet’s energy. (WHERE)
  • The placement of a planet by sign is how the energy expresses itself in a certain area of our lives. (HOW)

Cosmic Science

Astrology can be understood as a science that uses statistics based on ancient observations and recordings of planetary movements, and their effects on the physical plane.  It goes back to Mesopotamia and Sumeria. These effects are valid for individuals as well as mundane events. Cosmic energy constantly affects us – those who believe in it and those who don’t. Look at the Moon: it rules the tides as well as the water element (emotions) in humans, which makes ca. 80% of our organism. You may have heard that a full Moon can impact people’s moods and make them more romantic, creative, or aggressive.  Being aware of the cosmic weather helps us manage our life accordingly – meaning that we can plan events during more supportive transits or progressions rather than forcing something unnaturally. On the same token, understanding cosmic energies helps to deal with other people, and a partnership analysis can provide enormous insights.

Planetary movements and their influence on nature have been traced, studied, and applied for millennia.  Not only ancient civilizations have been using forecasting techniques regularly, but also many of today’s leaders and celebrities still trust their astrologers. Each of the ten bodies in our solar system is associated with certain energies, qualities, and elements. Their interplay is based on timeless natural laws and cycles.  Being aware of these principles and applying them in combination with your own energetic blueprint puts you in the driver’s seat.  It helps you navigate your life more easily and make the best use of the quality of the moment.  

While elements and modalities are essentially neutral, we can use them for good or ill. Look at Fire: you can cook your food or burn your skin with it. Or Water: it quenches your thirst or drowns a child.  Positive force is not superior to negative: you need both to produce electricity.  Female and masculine qualities just relate to expressing yourself more inwardly or outwardly, like Yin needs Yang to flow. Nothing stands ever still. Nothing is good, bad, superior, or inferior in itself, it’s just how we perceive things, and how we funnel the energy.  For example, anger can be perfectly transmuted through sports or heavy work.

Partnership Analysis and Harmonization

I see astrology as a key to improving relationships of any kind, having more patience with difficult people and circumstances, and most importantly, finding meaning in life.

To me, Astrology is a perfect guide for children and youngsters to find purpose and vocational orientation early on in life, and I encourage parents to align the plans they have for their children with what their children have really come to do or experience.   A personality reading or partnership analysis can save a tremendous amount of time and disappointments at all ends.  This is also a wise step before going into business with someone.

Please get in touch if you are curious about what your birth chart says about you.  Find details about my fee and the types of reading I offer here.